Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Filling the void

I recently met a couple who are searching far and wide to find a suitable and competent match for their daughter. They mentioned the various attributes of their daughter, but one particular point struck me. They mentioned that she was independent and was living on her own while working, studying, and managing her day-to-day affairs. They felt that she was lonely and that a life partner would fill the void in her life and would help share her workload.

There are young men who are living independently and are very busy taking care of their professional and personal life. Their parents and other loved ones are telling them also that once they get married, there will be a life partner who will make them happier and share their workload.

Both parties are looking for fulfillment from each other and are expecting their workload to be reduced. When two such well meaning people with unrealistic expectations from each other are put together, it is a shock for them to discover that not only has their workload not reduced but that now they are feeling just as empty as before.

It is unrealistic to believe that another human being can fill the void in our lives. Most people get married to get away from loneliness, but later find that they are as lonely, if not more so, after marriage as they were before marriage.

The void within can be filled only by God not by a person.


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